You are using an old version of Laratrust. Consider updating to the latest version

# Concepts

# Set things up

Let's start by creating the following Roles:

$owner = new Role();
$owner->name         = 'owner';
$owner->display_name = 'Project Owner'; // optional
$owner->description  = 'User is the owner of a given project'; // optional

$admin = new Role();
$admin->name         = 'admin';
$admin->display_name = 'User Administrator'; // optional
$admin->description  = 'User is allowed to manage and edit other users'; // optional

Now we need to add Permissions:

$createPost = new Permission();
$createPost->name         = 'create-post';
$createPost->display_name = 'Create Posts'; // optional
// Allow a user to...
$createPost->description  = 'create new blog posts'; // optional

$editUser = new Permission();
$editUser->name         = 'edit-user';
$editUser->display_name = 'Edit Users'; // optional
// Allow a user to...
$editUser->description  = 'edit existing users'; // optional

# Role Permissions Assignment & Removal

By using the LaratrustRoleTrait we can do the following:

# Assignment

$admin->attachPermission($createPost); // parameter can be a Permission object, array or id
// equivalent to $admin->permissions()->attach([$createPost->id]);

$owner->attachPermissions([$createPost, $editUser]); // parameter can be a Permission object, array or id
// equivalent to $owner->permissions()->attach([$createPost->id, $editUser->id]);

$owner->syncPermissions([$createPost, $editUser]); // parameter can be a Permission object, array or id
// equivalent to $owner->permissions()->sync([$createPost->id, $editUser->id]);

# Removal

$admin->detachPermission($createPost); // parameter can be a Permission object, array or id
// equivalent to $admin->permissions()->detach([$createPost->id]);

$owner->detachPermissions([$createPost, $editUser]); // parameter can be a Permission object, array or id
// equivalent to $owner->permissions()->detach([$createPost->id, $editUser->id]);

# User Roles Assignment & Removal

With both roles created let's assign them to the users. Thanks to the LaratrustUserTrait this is as easy as:

# Assignment

$user->attachRole($admin); // parameter can be a Role object, BackedEnum, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->attach([$admin->id]);

$user->attachRoles([$admin, $owner]); // parameter can be a Role object, BackedEnum, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->attach([$admin->id, $owner->id]);

$user->syncRoles([$admin->id, $owner->id]);
// equivalent to $user->roles()->sync([$admin->id, $owner->id]);

$user->syncRolesWithoutDetaching([$admin->id, $owner->id]);
// equivalent to $user->roles()->syncWithoutDetaching([$admin->id, $owner->id]);

# Removal

$user->detachRole($admin); // parameter can be a Role object, BackedEnum, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->detach([$admin->id]);

$user->detachRoles([$admin, $owner]); // parameter can be a Role object, BackedEnum, array, id or the role string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->detach([$admin->id, $owner->id]);

# User Permissions Assignment & Removal

You can attach single permissions to a user, so in order to do it you only have to make:

# Assignment

$user->attachPermission($editUser); // parameter can be a Permission object, array, id or the permission string name
// equivalent to $user->permissions()->attach([$editUser->id]);

$user->attachPermissions([$editUser, $createPost]); // parameter can be a Permission object, array, id or the permission string name
// equivalent to $user->permissions()->attach([$editUser->id, $createPost->id]);

$user->syncPermissions([$editUser->id, $createPost->id]);
// equivalent to $user->permissions()->sync([$editUser->id, createPost->id]);

$user->syncPermissionsWithoutDetaching([$editUser, $createPost]); // parameter can be a Permission object, array or id
    // equivalent to $user->permissions()->syncWithoutDetaching([$createPost->id, $editUser->id]);

# Removal

$user->detachPermission($createPost); // parameter can be a Permission object, array, id or the permission string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->detach([$createPost->id]);

$user->detachPermissions([$createPost, $editUser]); // parameter can be a Permission object, array, id or the permission string name
// equivalent to $user->roles()->detach([$createPost->id, $editUser->id]);

# Checking for Roles & Permissions

Now we can check for roles and permissions simply by doing:

$user->hasRole('owner');   // false
$user->hasRole('admin');   // true
$user->can('edit-user');   // false
$user->can('create-post'); // true


  • If you want, you can use the hasPermission and isAbleTo methods instead of the can method.
  • If you want, you can use the isA and isAn methods instead of the hasRole method.


If you want to use the Authorizable trait alongside Laratrust please check the troubleshooting page.

Both can() and hasRole() can receive an array or pipe separated string of roles & permissions to check:

$user->hasRole(['owner', 'admin']);       // true
$user->can(['edit-user', 'create-post']); // true

$user->hasRole('owner|admin');       // true
$user->can('edit-user|create-post'); // true

By default, if any of the roles or permissions are present for a user then the method will return true. Passing true as a second parameter instructs the method to require all of the items:

$user->hasRole(['owner', 'admin']);             // true
$user->hasRole(['owner', 'admin'], true);       // false, user does not have admin role
$user->can(['edit-user', 'create-post']);       // true
$user->can(['edit-user', 'create-post'], true); // false, user does not have edit-user permission

You can have as many Roles as you want for each User and vice versa. Also, you can have as many direct Permissionss as you want for each User and vice versa.

The Laratrust class has shortcuts to both can() and hasRole() for the currently logged in user:


// is identical to



There aren't Laratrust::hasPermission or Laratrust::isAbleTo facade methods, because you can use the Laratrust::can even when using the Authorizable trait.

You can also use wildcard to check any matching permission by doing:

// match any admin permission
$user->can('admin.*'); // true

// match any permission about users
$user->can('*-users'); // true

# Magic can method

You can check if a user has some permissions by using the magic can method:

// Same as $user->can('create-users');

If you want to change the case used when checking for the permission, you can change the magic_can_method_case value in your config/laratrust.php file.

// config/laratrust.php
'magic_can_method_case' => 'snake_case', // The default value is 'kebab_case'

// In you controller
// Same as $user->can('create_users');

# User ability

More advanced checking can be done using the awesome ability function. It takes in three parameters (roles, permissions, options):

  • roles is a set of roles to check.
  • permissions is a set of permissions to check.
  • options is a set of options to change the method behavior.

Either of the roles or permissions variable can be a pipe separated string or an array:

$user->ability(['admin', 'owner'], ['create-post', 'edit-user']);

// or

$user->ability('admin|owner', 'create-post|edit-user');

This will check whether the user has any of the provided roles and permissions. In this case it will return true since the user is an admin and has the create-post permission.

The third parameter is an options array:

$options = [
    'validate_all' => true | false (Default: false),
    'return_type'  => boolean | array | both (Default: boolean)
  • validate_all is a boolean flag to set whether to check all the values for true, or to return true if at least one role or permission is matched.
  • return_type specifies whether to return a boolean, array of checked values, or both in an array.

Here is an example output:

$options = [
    'validate_all' => true,
    'return_type' => 'both'

list($validate, $allValidations) = $user->ability(
    ['admin', 'owner'],
    ['create-post', 'edit-user'],

// bool(false)

// array(4) {
//     ['role'] => bool(true)
//     ['role_2'] => bool(false)
//     ['create-post'] => bool(true)
//     ['edit-user'] => bool(false)
// }

The Laratrust class has a shortcut to ability() for the currently logged in user:

Laratrust::ability('admin|owner', 'create-post|edit-user');

// is identical to

Auth::user()->ability('admin|owner', 'create-post|edit-user');

# Retrieving Relationships

The LaratrustUserTrait has the roles and permissions relationship, that return a MorphToMany relationships.

The roles relationship has all the roles attached to the user.

The permissions relationship has all the direct permissions attached to the user.

If you want to retrieve all the user permissions, you can use the allPermissions method. It returns a unified collection with all the permissions related to the user (via the roles and permissions relationships).

    Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#646
    #items: array:2 [
    0 => App\Permission {#662
        #attributes: array:6 [
        "id" => "1"
        "name" => "edit-users"
        "display_name" => "Edit Users"
        "description" => null
        "created_at" => "2017-06-19 04:58:30"
        "updated_at" => "2017-06-19 04:58:30"
    1 => App\Permission {#667
        #attributes: array:6 [
        "id" => "2"
        "name" => "manage-users"
        "display_name" => "Manage Users"
        "description" => null
        "created_at" => "2017-06-19 04:58:30"
        "updated_at" => "2017-06-19 04:58:30"

If you want to retrieve the users that have some role you can use the query scope whereRoleIs or orWhereRoleIs:

// This will return the users with 'admin' role.
$users = User::whereRoleIs('admin')->orWhereRoleIs('regular-user')->get();

Also, if you want to retrieve the users that have some permission you can use the query scope wherePermissionIs or orWherePermissionIs:

// This will return the users with 'edit-user' permission.
$users = User::wherePermissionIs('edit-user')->orWherePermissionIs('create-user')->get();

# Objects Ownership

If you need to check if the user owns an object you can use the user function owns:

public function update (Post $post) {
    if ($user->owns($post)) { //This will check the 'user_id' inside the $post


If you want to change the foreign key name to check for, you can pass a second attribute to the method:

public function update (Post $post) {
    if ($user->owns($post, 'idUser')) { //This will check for 'idUser' inside the $post


# Permissions, Roles & Ownership Checks

If you want to check if a user can do something or has a role, and also is the owner of an object you can use the canAndOwns and hasRoleAndOwns methods:

Both methods accept three parameters:

  • permission or role are the permission or role to check (This can be an array of roles or permissions).
  • thing is the object used to check the ownership.
  • options is a set of options to change the method behavior (optional).

The third parameter is an options array:

$options = [
    'requireAll' => true | false (Default: false),
    'foreignKeyName'  => 'canBeAnyString' (Default: null)

Here's an example of the usage of both methods:

$post = Post::find(1);
$user->canAndOwns('edit-post', $post);
$user->canAndOwns(['edit-post', 'delete-post'], $post);
$user->canAndOwns(['edit-post', 'delete-post'], $post, ['requireAll' => false, 'foreignKeyName' => 'writer_id']);

$user->hasRoleAndOwns('admin', $post);
$user->hasRoleAndOwns(['admin', 'writer'], $post);
$user->hasRoleAndOwns(['admin', 'writer'], $post, ['requireAll' => false, 'foreignKeyName' => 'writer_id']);

The Laratrust class has a shortcut to owns(), canAndOwns and hasRoleAndOwns methods for the currently logged in user:

Laratrust::owns($post, 'idUser');

Laratrust::canAndOwns('edit-post', $post);
Laratrust::canAndOwns(['edit-post', 'delete-post'], $post, ['requireAll' => false, 'foreignKeyName' => 'writer_id']);

Laratrust::hasRoleAndOwns('admin', $post);
Laratrust::hasRoleAndOwns(['admin', 'writer'], $post, ['requireAll' => false, 'foreignKeyName' => 'writer_id']);

# Ownable Interface

If the object ownership is resolved through a more complex logic you can implement the Ownable interface so you can use the owns, canAndOwns and hasRoleAndOwns methods in those cases:

class SomeOwnedObject implements \Laratrust\Contracts\Ownable

    public function ownerKey($owner)
        return $this->someRelationship->user->id;



  • The ownerKey method must return the object's owner id value.
  • The ownerKey method receives as a parameter the object that called the owns method.

After implementing it, you can simply do:

$user = User::find(1);
$theObject = new SomeOwnedObject;
$user->owns($theObject);            // This will return true or false depending on what the ownerKey method returns

# Teams


The teams feature is optional, please go to the teams configuration in order to use the feature.

# Roles Assignment & Removal

The roles assignment and removal are the same, but this time you can pass the team as an optional parameter.

$team = Team::where('name', 'my-awesome-team')->first();
$admin = Role::where('name', 'admin')->first();

$user->attachRole($admin, $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

This will attach the admin role to the user but only within the my-awesome-team team.

You can also attach multiple roles to the user within a team:

$team = Team::where('name', 'my-awesome-team')->first();
$admin = Role::where('name', 'admin')->first();
$owner = Role::where('name', 'owner')->first();

$user->attachRoles([$admin, $owner], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

To remove the roles you can do:

$user->detachRole($admin, $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.
$user->detachRoles([$admin, $owner], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

You can also sync roles within a group:

$user->syncRoles([$admin, $owner], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.


It will sync the roles depending of the team passed, because there is a wherePivot constraint in the syncing method. So if you pass a team with id of 1, it will sync all the roles that are attached to the user where the team id is 1.

So if you don't pass any team, it will sync the roles where the team id is null in the pivot table.

# Permissions Assignment & Removal

The permissions assignment and removal are the same, but this time you can pass the team as an optional parameter.

$team = Team::where('name', 'my-awesome-team')->first();
$editUser = Permission::where('name', 'edit-user')->first();

$user->attachPermission($editUser, $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

This will attach the edit-user permission to the user but only within the my-awesome-team team.

You can also attach multiple permissions to the user within a team:

$team = Team::where('name', 'my-awesome-team')->first();
$editUser = Permission::where('name', 'edit-user')->first();
$manageUsers = Permission::where('name', 'manage-users')->first();

$user->attachPermissions([$editUser, $manageUsers], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

To remove the permissions you can do:

$user->detachPermission($editUser, $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.
$user->detachPermissions([$editUser, $manageUsers], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

You can also sync permissions within a group:

$user->syncPermissions([$editUser, $manageUsers], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.


It will sync the permissions depending of the team passed, because there is a wherePivot constraint in the syncing method. So if you pass a team with id of 1, it will sync all the permissions that are attached to the user where the team id is 1 in the pivot table.

So if you don't pass any team, it will sync the permissions where the team id is null in the pivot table.

# Checking Roles & Permissions

The roles and permissions verification is the same, but this time you can pass the team parameter.

The teams roles and permissions check can be configured by changing the teams_strict_check value inside the config/laratrust.php file. This value can be true or false:

  • If teams_strict_check is set to false: When checking for a role or permission if no team is given, it will check if the user has the role or permission regardless if that role or permissions was attached inside a team.

  • If teams_strict_check is set to true: When checking for a role or permission if no team is given, it will check if the user has the role or permission where the team id is null.

Check roles:

    $user->hasRole('admin', 'my-awesome-team');
    $user->hasRole(['admin', 'user'], 'my-awesome-team', true);

Check permissions:

    $user->can('edit-user', 'my-awesome-team');
    $user->can(['edit-user', 'manage-users'], 'my-awesome-team', true);

# User Ability

The user ability is the same, but this time you can pass the team parameter.

$options = [
    'requireAll' => true | false (Default: false),
    'foreignKeyName'  => 'canBeAnyString' (Default: null)

$user->ability(['admin'], ['edit-user'], 'my-awesome-team');
$user->ability(['admin'], ['edit-user'], 'my-awesome-team', $options);

# Permissions, Roles & Ownership Checks

The permissions, roles and ownership checks work the same, but this time you can pass the team in the options array.

$options = [
    'team' => 'my-awesome-team',
    'requireAll' => false,
    'foreignKeyName' => 'writer_id'

$post = Post::find(1);
$user->canAndOwns(['edit-post', 'delete-post'], $post, $options);
$user->hasRoleAndOwns(['admin', 'writer'], $post, $options);