# Teams


The teams feature is optional, please go to the teams configuration in order to use the feature.

# Roles Assignment & Removal

The roles assignment and removal are the same, but this time you can pass the team as an optional parameter.

$team = Team::where('name', 'my-awesome-team')->first();
$admin = Role::where('name', 'admin')->first();

$user->addRole($admin, $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

This will add the admin role to the user but only within the my-awesome-team team.

You can also add multiple roles to the user within a team:

$team = Team::where('name', 'my-awesome-team')->first();
$admin = Role::where('name', 'admin')->first();
$owner = Role::where('name', 'owner')->first();

$user->addRoles([$admin, $owner], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

To remove the roles you can do:

$user->removeRole($admin, $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.
$user->removeRoles([$admin, $owner], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

You can also sync roles within a group:

$user->syncRoles([$admin, $owner], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.


It will sync the roles depending of the team passed, because there is a wherePivot constraint in the syncing method. So if you pass a team with id of 1, it will sync all the roles that are added to the user where the team id is 1.

So if you don't pass any team, it will sync the roles where the team id is null in the pivot table.

# Permissions Assignment & Removal

The permissions assignment and removal are the same, but this time you can pass the team as an optional parameter.

$team = Team::where('name', 'my-awesome-team')->first();
$editUser = Permission::where('name', 'edit-user')->first();

$user->givePermission($editUser, $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

This will give the edit-user permission to the user but only within the my-awesome-team team.

You can also give multiple permissions to the user within a team:

$team = Team::where('name', 'my-awesome-team')->first();
$editUser = Permission::where('name', 'edit-user')->first();
$manageUsers = Permission::where('name', 'manage-users')->first();

$user->givePermissions([$editUser, $manageUsers], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

To remove the permissions you can do:

$user->removePermission($editUser, $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.
$user->removePermissions([$editUser, $manageUsers], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.

You can also sync permissions within a group:

$user->syncPermissions([$editUser, $manageUsers], $team); // parameter can be an object, array, id or the string name.


It will sync the permissions depending of the team passed, because there is a wherePivot constraint in the syncing method. So if you pass a team with id of 1, it will sync all the permissions given to the user where the team id is 1 in the pivot table.

So if you don't pass any team, it will sync the permissions where the team id is null in the pivot table.

# Checking Roles & Permissions

The roles and permissions verification is the same, but this time you can pass the team parameter.

The teams roles and permissions check can be configured by changing the teams_strict_check value inside the config/laratrust.php file. This value can be true or false:

  • If teams_strict_check is set to false: When checking for a role or permission if no team is given, it will check if the user has the role or permission regardless if that role or permissions was given inside a team.

  • If teams_strict_check is set to true: When checking for a role or permission if no team is given, it will check if the user has the role or permission where the team id is null.

Check roles:

    $user->hasRole('admin', 'my-awesome-team');
    $user->hasRole(['admin', 'user'], 'my-awesome-team', true);

Check permissions:

    $user->isAbleTo('edit-user', 'my-awesome-team');
    $user->isAbleTo(['edit-user', 'manage-users'], 'my-awesome-team', true);

Check teams:

    $user->rolesTeams; // See all user teams with roles
    $user->rolesTeams()->where('name','my-awesome-team')->first(); // Check if user has any role relating to a team

# User Ability

The user ability is the same, but this time you can pass the team parameter.

$options = [
    'validate_all' => true, //Default: false
    'return_type'  => 'array' //Default: 'boolean'. You can also set it as 'both'

$user->ability(['admin'], ['edit-user'], 'my-awesome-team');
$user->ability(['admin'], ['edit-user'], 'my-awesome-team', $options);

# Permissions and Roles Checks

The permissions, roles checks work the same, but this time you can pass the team in the options array.

$options = [
    'team' => 'my-awesome-team',
    'requireAll' => false,
    'foreignKeyName' => 'writer_id'

$post = Post::find(1);
$user->isAbleTo(['edit-post', 'delete-post'], $post, $options);
$user->hasRole(['admin', 'writer'], $post, $options);